You smooze them and make the deal trump
You smooze them and make the deal trump

Threats and bullying seem to work only against the weak. In the end, Trump conceded, having achieved nothing. The shutdown continued for several more weeks. When he met with Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer halfway through the crisis to seek a solution, he stormed out of the meeting. Democrats refused, and millions of government workers went without pay for weeks. Trump had made an agreement to keep the government open, but when he saw right-wing commentators taunt him on television, he abruptly announced he would shut down the government unless Democrats funded his border wall. The moment was reminiscent of Trump’s government shutdown that started late last year and became the longest in US history. Did he think they would squeal “uncle” and cancel the subpoenas for documents and personnel that the White House is fighting to keep out of public view? It is unclear what exactly Trump expected the Democrats to do. Then she said, “I pray for the President of the United States and I pray for the United States of America,” calmly telegraphing a sense of alarm. “For some reason, maybe it was lack of confidence on his part,” she piercingly mused, “that he really couldn’t … match the greatness of the challenge.” After he announced he was breaking off talks with Democrats, Pelosi reviewed Trump’s decision to ditch the infrastructure meeting. He can’t seem to move beyond his distaste for Hillary Clinton or Pelosi, who has an uncanny knack for getting under Trump’s skin. He has lashed out with visible venom against Angela Merkel, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, and many others. Although he strafes many people with insults, he appears to find powerful female leaders particularly irritating. Trump is uniquely oversensitive to challenges from strong women. On matters foreign and domestic, Trump’s negotiating style is hyper-personal, thin-skinned, poorly planned, and overwhelmingly unsuccessful. The law is clear: Congress should get Trump's tax returns President Donald Trump speaks about immigration reform in the Rose Garden of the White House on in Washington, DC. ( She also said, in a separate event, that a cover-up could be an impeachable offense.) But it’s just as likely that Trump, as some insiders have suggested, was furious at Pelosi’s cover-up comment. Maybe Trump agrees with Pelosi that impeachment proceedings could help his re-election. Perhaps the Rose Garden tirade was not as spontaneous as it appeared, and was part of a clever plan to push the Democrats to impeach him. He needs to work with Congress to raise the debt ceiling, approve a budget, and confront countless important issues. Trump needs Congress to approve his renamed trade agreement with Mexico and Canada (the one he says replaces NAFTA but amounts to only small changes on the existing treaty). After all, it is his job to govern, and there is much important work that cannot move forward if the executive and the legislative branches are not speaking. So, now the United States has an even more dysfunctional government, unless Trump manages to recover from his midday paroxysm. Contrary to Trump’s incessantly repeated lie that Mueller cleared him, the Mueller report (read it here) pointedly said that it “does not exonerate him.” Mind you, the Constitution says Congress has the power to impeach a president, and the Mueller report left open multiple questions that a responsible legislature has a duty to examine. Nancy Pelosi is making a big mistake on impeachment Trump, who has tried every possible avenue to keep information from Congressional committees, declared, “I don’t do cover-ups,” and announced that he told Democrats he would stop working with them on legislation as long as they continue the “phony investigations.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “We believe the President of the United States is engaged in a cover-up.”

you smooze them and make the deal trump

And he is hurt because earlier in the day. He is angry because Democrats keep investigating his efforts to obstruct justice in the Mueller probe of his campaign during the 2016 election. But, infrastructure be damned, because Trump is angry and hurt.

#You smooze them and make the deal trump upgrade

The meeting was supposed to tackle America’s urgent need to upgrade its infrastructure. Trump stormed out of a scheduled White House meeting with Democratic leaders and gave an angry news conference in the Rose Garden, sounding very much like a child who smashes his toy against the wall because he keeps losing. The President is turning out to be a stunningly bad deal maker. On Wednesday, Trump put on yet another performance – throwing another temper tantrum, proving that he has not yet figured out that negotiating when you are president is different from facing building contractors that you can bully, intimidate, and leave with unpaid bills.

You smooze them and make the deal trump