Once a local board is won by a player or it is filled completely, no more moves may be played in that board. If a move is played so that it is to win a local board by the rules of normal tic-tac-toe, then the entire local board is marked as a victory for the player in the global board. O can then play in any one of the nine available spots in that local board, each move sending X to a different local board. For example, if X played in the top right square of their local board, then O needs to play next in the local board at the top right of the global board. This move "sends" their opponent to its relative location. The game starts with X playing wherever they want in any of the 81 empty spots. Rules Įach small 3 × 3 tic-tac-toe board is referred to as a local board, and the larger 3 × 3 board is referred to as the global board. Compared to traditional tic-tac-toe, strategy in this game is conceptually more difficult and has proven more challenging for computers. Players take turns playing on the smaller tic-tac-toe boards until one of them wins on the larger tic-tac-toe board. Strategic tic-tac-toe, meta tic-tac-toe, tic-tac-tic-tac-toe-toe, or (tic-tac-toe)² ) is a board game composed of nine tic-tac-toe boards arranged in a 3 × 3 grid. Ultimate tic-tac-toe (also known as ten-tac-toe, super tic-tac-toe, Since X played in the top-right corner of the local board, O is forced to play their next move in the top-right local board.